Jeyver Rodríguez

RodriguezJeyver Rodríguez (Colombia, 1982) studied Philosophy at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia (2008). Magister in Pedagogy, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia (2015). Ph.D. Student in the international programme “Contemporary Humanism” sponsored by LUMSA University, Institute Catholic of Paris, Australian Catholic University and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Currently he is Visiting Academic at the Queensland Bioethics Centre. His research is focusing on the analyses of the concepts of mutual vulnerability, human dignity and environmental care as a contribution to environmental ethics and bioethics discourse.

His key publications include Biopower and ethnobotany: Classroom project experiences of “the grandparent’s knowledge” related with the construction of educational sceneries to building peace, «Temas» (2016), 3 (10): 31-46. Sympathy, Resentment and Forgiveness: An Analysis of Resentment role in the Smith’s TMS, «Universitas Philosophica» 34(68), (2017). Ethical and Social Implications of Ecological Restoration in The Anthropocene, UNESCO: VII World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Brasil, (2017) and Citizenships and Constitution of The Political Community in The St. Agustín’s City of God, «Philosophy Journal», UCSC. Vol. 16. N° 1, (2017): 61-78.

Contemporary Humanism – Jeyver Rodríguez >> Fragility, Vulnerability and Flourishing of all beings

Humans are fragile and vulnerable beings. This feature is not a property of other empirical data, but it is an essential aspect of the human condition. Modern Scientific culture reinforces the tendency for humanity to…