Kamila Drapało
Kamila Drapało is a PhD Candidate in Philosophy (‘Contemporary Humanism’ Programme, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne/LUMSA, Roma) as well as a member of the research group ‘Humanism – cultures and philosophies’ (https://www.lumsa.it/en/humanism-–-cultures-and-philosophies). Her research interests range from comparative literature and cultural studies to continental philosophy, while remaining focused on the notion of vulnerability in philosophical anthropology. In her doctoral thesis she inquires into the notion vulnerability in the works of Martha Nussbaum. She has graduated from a “Crossways in Cultural Narratives” programme at the University of St Andrews (joint programme with Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and Università degli Studi di Bergamo) with a thesis on the question of identity in the works of Hannah Arendt (entitled “Human Quest for Self-Understanding – Hannah Arendt’s Narrative Identity”). Prior to that, she completed a joint BA at the Macrofaculty, Foreign Languages and Cultural Studies, major in: English, French and Spanish Studies, at the University of Warsaw. She spent two semesters at La Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma at the 3rd year of study as an Erasmus Socrates student.
Contemporary Humanism – Kamila Drapało >> On Plants and Jewels: Martha Nussbaum’s Vulnerability Approach
Martha Craven Nussbaum’s distinguished work is as vast as it is difficult to classify. Nonetheless, if one looks at it from the perspective of its basic problematic, two notions seem central: that of human capabilities,…